Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Academic mobility in the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino

Academic mobility in the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino

17 January 2019

4th year students of the School of Medicine of Karaganda Medical University were studying at Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, during the fall semester of 2018-2019 academic year. This university is one of the oldest universities in the entire Central Asia, located in the picturesque, high mountain and very warm city Dushanbe. Avicenna University embodied the best traditions of Soviet medical school, while not forgetting about high-tech and innovative approaches to medical education from the world experience. 8 students studied the cycles of “the basics of surgical diseases”, “the basics of obstetrics and gynecology”, 3 students studied the cycles of “the basics of internal diseases” and “the basics of children’s diseases”, in the period of study students of the MUK actively participated in the public and scientific activities of the TSMU. According to the curriculum, patients were supervised. Students consolidated the knowledge gained from the highly qualified teaching staff of the university at the night duty. The program of studying at the TSMU named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino can be considered successful, the students gained extremely valuable theoretical and practical experience. According to this, we express our gratitude to the administration of the Abuali Ibni Sino State Medical University represented by the head of the international cooperation department, MD, Professor D. Dodkhoev, as well as the dean of the medical faculty, MD, Professor Mukhhabatov J.K.

Special thanks to the leadership of the Karaganda Medical University for the opportunity to study and to present the alma-mater at the international level, in the face of  rector, MD, professor R.S. Dosmagambetova and the entire international department.



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