Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
All conditions have been created

All conditions have been created

07 October 2019

The party secretary «Nur Otan» Ospankulov Gabidulla Abdullauly has visited KMU. The main goal of the visit was acquaintance with the university activity in the area of conditions creation for training and leisure of students.

  The first point was «WELCOME» center of KMU, where meeting with university students has happened. Party secretary has mentioned that it is necessary to pay more attention to the socialization of foreign students and for creation a great opportunities for students in a whole.

Further, the guest has been acquainted with Students Service Center.  Party secretary passed a way of the certificate obtaining from the place of study together with students. «It is too important to turn the work with students to electronic process, excluding the human factor. This work which is already has done at the university is commendable. The same situation should be at all universities of Karaganda», - Gabidulla Abdullauly has noticed.

  More, the party secretary has visited the «honesty cafeteria», where the students have told about university activity related to the anti-corruption culture formation and adoption of principles of integrity among participants in the academic process. Gabidulla Abdullauly expressed an opinion on the greater involvement of students to decision-making process. “You are members of the Students’ Republic and young wing of ‘ Jas Otan” and you should take an active part in shaping the decisions made at the university. You should be involved and interested in the process to improve the students’ life’ - Gabidulla Abdullauly has noticed.

At the end of the visit, the guest has visited the hostel №1 in order to check living condition of students. There he has met with hostel workers and talked about the procedures for settling and solving everyday problems of residents. “ Today, I have seen is in good hands. I wish success to the Karaganda Medical UNversity” – said the party secretary

Youth department 



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