Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The round work table dedicated to the International Nurses Day

The round work table dedicated to the International Nurses Day

18 May 2021

On May 12, 2021, the School of Nursing Education of the Medical University of Karaganda hosted an online round work table.  The topic of round work table was "The topical issues of Nursing in the Karaganda region". Discussion of topical issues of practice and research in nursing, dedicated to the International Nurses Day. The round work table was attended  by the Director of the Institute of Health Sciences of Vilnius University Natalia Fatkulina Lithuania, representatives of practical healthcare Karaganda region, faculty of the Medical University, bachelor, master, doctoral students of nursing science.

The Dean of the School of Nursing Education Estemesova Karlygash Amangeldievna to extend a greeted and congratulated with Internationa lNurses Day. And addressed the participants of the "round work table"

Deputy Dean for Academic Work Aitmagambetov Auez Rashidovich gave a report.  The report  topic was "The Modern standards and multi-level training of nursing specialists in the School of Nursing Education"

 The head of the educational program Kalbekov Zhandarbek Abdukhalievich spoke on the issue of "Improving the educational program" Nursing "and elective disciplines.

The report “Best Nursing Practices and Research in Lithuania” by Natalia Fatkulina, Director of the Institute of Health Sciences of Vilnius University, aroused great interest among the participants of the “round table”.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the School of Nursing Education Togzhan Tokhtarovna Kispaeva was represented the issue "The relevance of modern approaches to the study of rehabilitation competencies in the context of reforming nursing health care".

Gulnara Lesovna Alisheva, teacher of the School of nursing education informed about the work of mentors of the school of nursing education.

The participants of the "round work table" considered topical issues of practice and research in nursing and modern standards for training nursing specialists at the academic bachelor's level. Discussion took place on the issues of expanding the skills of practical activities of nurses and improving the elective disciplines of educational programs "Nursing." Deputy Director for Nursing of the Kh. Zh. Makazhanov Marina Ismailovna Kopbaeva made a proposal to include practical skills of nurses in the field of rehabilitation in elective disciplines.

Olga Zorina, a doctoral student in Nursing, made a proposal on the participation of practical healthcare specialists in the formulation of relevant topics for theses.

During the discussions, it was decided to gradually introduce new elective disciplines at various levels of the "Nursing" educational programs in the future, taking into account new proposals to expand the competence of nurses ' practical activities.

The Deputy Dean of the School of Nursing Education Ongarbayeva Aiman Igilikovna suggested holding regular round tables in the future to further improve the educational programs "Nursing", interact with representatives of practical healthcare and cooperate with foreign experts.

Dean of the School of Nursing Education Estemesova Karlygash Amangeldievna thanked the participants of the round table for their active work during the discussion of topical issues of practice and research in nursing.

The participants thanked the organizers and supported the proposal to hold regular round tables for further interaction and solving topical issues in nursing.

School of Nursing Education " Karaganda Medical University»



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