Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
We are entering the fourth decade of independence

We are entering the fourth decade of independence

21 December 2021

On December 14, on the eve of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a solemn meeting and a concert took place in the assembly hall.

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Center for the Development of Languages ​​Baglan Satibekovna Kaukerbekova made a report "Independence is the pedestal of an eternal country".

Anar Akylbekovna Turmukhambetova, Acting Chairman of the Management Board-Rector, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Science, warmly congratulated colleagues on the 30th anniversary of the country's independence, noting that our university has achieved great success in these years thanks to the work of the entire team, the talent, and achievements of our students.

Then a solemn ceremony of presenting state awards and letters of gratitude took place:

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 2, 2021, Dmitry Vladimirovich Vasiliev, Head of the Department of Emergency Medical Aid, Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, doctor of the highest qualification category, specializing in Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, was awarded the Medal "Халық Алғысы".

The jubilee medal "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was awarded to:

1.  Dosmagambetova Raushan Sultanovna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, advisor to the rector;

2. Priz Vladimir Nikolaevich - Professor Emeritus of the School of Public Health and Biomedicine;

3. Turgunova Lyudmila Gennadievna - Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine;

4. Sirota Valentina Bronislavovna - Professor of the Department of Oncology and Radiation Diagnostics;

5. Mindubaeva Farida Anvarovna - Research Professor of the Department of Morphology and Physiology;

6. Abeuova Bibigul Amangeldievna - Professor of the Department of Family Medicine;

7. Abatov Nurkasi Tulepbergenovich - Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases;

8. Turdunova Gulmira Sansyzbaevna - Assistant Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology;

9. Dyusembaeva Ainash Ermukhanovna - Assistant Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology;

10. Zholdybaeva Gulfayruz Abylaevna - Assistant Professor of the Department of Oncology and Radiation Diagnostics;

11. Aidosov Marat Rakhimovich - assistant of the school of dentistry;

12. Sakenov Talgat Sagyndykovich - assistant of the school of dentistry;

13. Askarov Meyrambek Satybaldinovich - Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases;

14. Volchanskaya Svetlana Ivanovna - Head of the Patient Support and Internal Control Service;

15. Nurmaganbetova Saule Botashevna - Director-Chief Accountant of the Department of Economics and Finance;

16. Dvurechenskaya Elena Mikhailovna - commandant of building № 4.

A letter of gratitude from Deputy Prime Minister Yeraly Tugzhanov noted the contribution to the development of the university and the health care system of the Republic of Kazakhstan by Kosherova Bakhyt Nurgaliev, vice-rector for clinical work.

  Breastplate of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For contribution to health" were awarded to:

1. Zhautikova Saule Bazarbaevna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pathology;

2. Beimbetova Marzhan Rymkhanovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology;

3. Zhupenova Dana Esimovna - Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology;

4. Arystan Leyla Ibatullagyzy - Professor of the Department of Family Medicine;

5. Almazova Maiza Umarovna - researcher of the laboratory for collective use

6. Bazhakov Kazybek Bazhakovich - Deputy Director for Economics of the Department of Informatization and Infrastructure Development.

  Breastplate «ҚазақстанРеспубликасыденсаулықсақтауісініңүздігі» were awarded to:

1. Kabieva Saule Mautovna - Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine;

2. Alina Asel Razakkyzy - Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine;

3. Talieva Gulbanat Nurgalievna - Associate Professor at the School of Public Health and Biomedicine;

4. Zharylgasyn Zhenisbek Zharylgasynuly - head of the research sanitary and hygienic laboratory;

5. Kostyleva Olga Andreevna - Assistant Professor of the Department of Pathology;

6. Darmenov Ergali Nurmakhambetovich - Associate Professor, Researcher of the Department of Surgical Diseases;

7. Loman Nadezhda Filippovna - Assistant Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and Political Disciplines.

  Medal «Еңбекардагері» of the Health care ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan were awarded to:

1. Sheveleva Nailya Igorevna - Professor Emeritus of Neurology, Psychiatry and Rehabilitation;

2. Tusupbekova Karlygash Toleuovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases;

3. Skosarev Ivan Aleksandrovich - Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology;

4. Abdulina Galiya Amerbekovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Biomedicine.

  Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan were awarded to:

1. Khalmuradova Symbat Erzhanovna - Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine;

2. Beysenaeva Akmaral Gabitovna - Deputy Dean for Additional Education of the School of Residency and Professional Development;

3. Dyusembina Dinara Bakenovna - Chief Specialist of the Human Resource Management Department. 

A letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan were marked:

1. Ponamareva Olga Anatolyevna - Head of the Department of Biomedicine;

2. Eldashbaeva Kaldygul Musaevna - specialist of the school of residency and professional development;

3. Gizatova Olga Sergeevna - Chief Specialist of the Department of Academic Work;

4. Ramazanova Gulzhanat Kuntuganovna - chief specialist of the school of residency and professional development;

5. Listovaya Alexandra Fedorovna - head of the dormitory.

  "Letter of thanks" from the Health Department of the Karaganda region were awarded to:

1. Molotov-Luchanskiy Vilen Borisovich - Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine;

2. Asanova Aigul Mazhitovna - acting chief physician of the clinic of professional health;

3. Bolatbekova Aikanym Aibolkyzy - teacher-trainee of the school of nursing education;

4. Oborok Lyubov Germanovna - commandant;

5. Makhamedov Dilmurat Turashovich - carpenter;

6. Satieva Gulbakyt Zhomartovna - Commandant of the Institute of Public Health and Professional Health.

  By order of the Acting Chairman of the Management Board-Rector Anar Akylbekovna Turmakhambetova No. 355 dated December 14, 107 employees of NJSC "MUK" were given gratitude. https://qmu.edu.kz/ru/advertisement/view/4298

  In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a letter of gratitude from the rector of Karaganda Medical University was awarded to students who actively participated in the public life of the university:

Zhomartova Zhanerke Erbolatkyzy;

Arshkenov Asyl Bolatuly;

Pshenbaeva Dana Bulatovna;

Tursumbekov Tamerlan Rovshanovich;

Atagulov Aset Serikuly;

Nurmagambet Temirlan;

Mukhitbek Gulzhan Amangeldykyzy;

Yermekov Ұlan Zhanatuly;

Ismailova Dariga Erbolovna;

Fedorova Varvara Dmitrievna;

Zhunusova Darina Nurzhanovna;

Abilzhanov Daryn;

Abas Erbol Yerlanuly;

Alimbatyrov Marlan;

Sagymbekova Nazerke.

  The awards ceremony continued with a festive concert of creative student groups of the university, organized by the department for work with youth. The first to appear on the stage were the members of the dombra orchestra. The masterly performed live, dynamic, popularly beloved melody of Kurmangazy Sagyrbaiuly sounded «Адай» күйі.

The audience was pleased with the "Karlygash" dance performed by a group of girls from the "Karakuz" Folk Oriental Dance Ensemble. An atmosphere of tenderness and romance reigned in the auditorium during the performance of the waltz by the participants of the Golden Step dance theater. The modern block was continued by the participants of the modern dance circle "New Wave", performing a dynamic dance composition for the song "Welcome to Kazakhstan", which was loved by young people.

The performance of Dana Yeralieva with the song "Blossom, Earth!" Was unusually beautiful, touching and sincere. A real gift for the audience was the performance of the song "Atameken" by Beishenov Samat, winner of the Grand Prix of the regional vocal competition "My Kazakhstan".

The audience was pleased with the vocal group "Жігіттер" with a bright performance of the song "Туған жер". A surprise for the guests of the concert was the appearance on the stage of the eastern beauty Serik Rosa, who sang the song "Сәлем саған туған ел" in a charming voice.

At the end of the concert program, the soloists and participants sang the patriotic song "Atameken".

All performances of creative teams were accompanied by video-historical mapping, in which the history of Kazakhstan was reflected in a short period. The viewer was able to see how the steppe was born, how our ancestors lived, remember the main milestones in history, the path that Kazakhstan traveled on the way to independence. 



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