Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Experts in the field of occupational safety and health discussed the development of occupational risk assessment system

Experts in the field of occupational safety and health discussed the development of occupational risk assessment system

04 October 2022

On September 14-15, the two-day scientific-practical conference "Priorities of scientific directions in the field of safety and health at work" has been launched in Schuchinsk. During which the issues such as occupational risk assessment, its trends and prospects, as well as practical application in today's realities were discussed during the conference.

The event was organized by the republican state enterprise on the right of economic management "Republican Research Institute of Occupational Safety and Health" with the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Kazakhstan Association of Labor and Industrial Safety.

The conference was attended by the First Vice-Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Populationof RK Sarbasov A., Chairman of the Committee of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurkan Sadvakasov, and Aizhan Ibrayeva, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Social and Economic Relations and Social Partnership of the RK Federation of Trade Unions and other representatives of government agencies, employers, higher education institutions and research institutes.

NCJSC “Karaganda Medical University” was presented by the director of Institute of Public Health and Professional Health, Bauyrzhan Omarkulov, a candidate of medical sciences, professor, and Aigul Amanbekova, chief freelance occupational pathologist of MH RK, and doctor of medical sciences.

Akmadi Sarbasov at the opening of the first session "Fundamentals, trends, prospects of occupational risk assessment: expert opinions and positions of social partners" provided about the current situation in the state regulation in the field of labor protection.

So, according to him, for the current year it had been taken: "The concept of safe labor in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030," as well as amendments to the "Action Plan to ensure safe labor in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025. "In accordance with the new policy, we have begun to update the national occupational safety management system. International standards have been introduced into labour legislation concerning the widespread introduction of a systematic approach to labor protection management and occupational risk assessment," – he shared.

Also, the Vice-Minister told about the necessary measures of labor protection, especially in large industrial enterprises of oil and gas, transport and logistics sectors, chemical and nuclear industries, mining and metallurgical complex, energy, real estate, etc.

"Ensuring safe labor in these industries requires a lot of effort at the organizational level. It is necessary to implement health and safety management systems. The risk assessment is an important element of this process and it is an employer's responsibility. If the enterprise has carried out an evaluation of production facilities based on working conditions, it may use its results in assessing occupational risks. Thus, there will be a smooth transition to the universal assessment of occupational risks, regardless of the type of activity of the company; it will ensure the rights of all employees to be informed about all existing risks in the workplace. That is why I urge companies to assess occupational risks and require their contractors to conduct this procedure," - Akmadi Sarbasov emphasized.

He also emphasized to colleagues that preventive programs aimed at reducing the number of Kazakhstanis working in harmful labor conditions are not implemented qualitatively enough. According to the Vice-Minister, the number of recipients of mandatory occupational contributions is growing. For example, pension payments from COPC in 2021 were made to 5,252 recipients for a total amount of 735 million tenge.

 "These figures require the search for new approaches, as well as many other problems. For example, the formality in the certification of production facilities, medical examinations, lack of continuity in the use of their results. Those mechanisms that have been introduced to improve working conditions do not work properly, "- concluded the Vice-Minister.

Akmadi Sarbasov concluded his presentation by emphasizing the importance of working together, with the participation of both government and academic representatives, as well as individuals from the expert community.

During the two-day conference, the participants of the event discussed opportunities to assess occupational risks and improve working conditions in different areas and groups of enterprises, as well as the role of trade unions in this process. In addition, it is planned to consider sanitary and epidemiological norms, peculiarities of establishing occupational diseases and health protection of workers.



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