Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Evening of Memory

Evening of Memory

03 April 2023

With the participation of students in groups 5-048 and 5-036 an event was held dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Alexander Mikhailovich Filatov whose name is associated with many significant events in the life of our university.

The students prepared a report on his merits and talked about what kind of person Alexander Mikhailovich was. At the end, they showed a video with photos, against the background of which poems in memory of their teacher were recited. At the event were invited guests in the face of L. Filatova, J. Dauletkalieva, V. Priz,  A. Eremeev, A. Sultanov, D. Kulov, T. Sergaliev, N. Sayfullina, L.Tyl.

Many students did not catch such an amazing man, but they know the merits of Alexander Mikhailovich and honor the memory of him, appreciate the legacy that still lives within the walls of our university.

School of Public Health



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