Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


03 December 2014

  Exhibition "Art-gallery" took place in our university with great success on November 25. An event was organized by the specialist of department of educational and social work Мashrapova Akku together with the studio of fine art of КSMU.Works of students attending the studio of fine art were presented on an exhibition.An event caused large interest for all judges of art,the hall of the third floor was full of people long before opening of exhibition.

  The honoured right solemnly to cut a red ribbon was given to the deans of faculties of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy and General Medicine and Dentistry: Priz Wladimir and Toleubekov Kuatbek.The interested audience was able to see works of young artists after the inauguration of exhibition.The exposition counted over one hundred works of the most different genres and styles, from water-colour pictures and graphic sketches, to still lives in an interior and portraits of celebrities.The effect of touch to wonderful was strengthened by quiet classic music, creating a comfort and some solemn aura.Composition works were presented in a gallery besides works of painting: collages, appliques and also different hand-made articles. A competent judge consisting of vice-rector for educational work Molotov-Luchansky V.B., dean  of faculty of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy Prize V.N., associate dean of faculty of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy Каmarova A.M., deputy director on educational work of medical college Ungarbaeva A.A. and dean of faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry of Тоleubekov K.K., maximally impartiality estimated all presented works.So prize nominations were declared as follows:

  1.”Most professional work” is Utamuratov Маrat.

  2.”The best creative work” is Коnarbaeva Bagzhan.

  3.”Most original work” - Коstichanu Evgeny.

  4.”My favourite city” is Еltaeva Аluash.

The department of educational and social work with students expresses its gratitude for the help in organization and realization of exhibition art-gallery to the leader of the group of fine art Eltaeva Aluash (4-072GМ) and also to the participants of the group of fine art : Sayrambek Sandugash (4-034 GМ), Utamuratov Marat (5-035GМ), Коnarbaeva Bagzhan (1-051GМ), Zhamaukhan Аltynay (1-074 GM), Тurganbekova Balbota (3-074 GМ), Iskakova Аsiya (2-069GМ), Мusabaeva Еrsayn (3-012 GМ), Мurzakhmetova Аygul (1-082 GM), Faysulla Dealer (1-063GМ), Iskazin Аybatyr (2-095 GМ), Nurkaydarova Gulden (1-039 GМ), Токashev Аyan (1-020 GМ), Sagyndykov Olzhas (1-026 GМ), Umarova Аyzhanna (1-039 GM), Balkenova Samal (2-067 GМ), Кеnesov Темirlan (1-085 GМ), Кusainov Sanzhar (2-042 GМ), Sapar Мoldyr (2-042 GМ), Basrgynov Еrsayn (1-075 GМ), Тursynbekov Тоrebek (1-063 GМ); Коstichanu Eugenia (302 КLD), Shimshilova  Ruzanna (106 КОМ), Vasilyeva Lydya (104 WHO), Dadoboeva Меhrafryz (202 КSD), Sukhorukov Stanislav (302 КSО), Babenko Veronic (302 КsО) and Комissarova Vera (202 КSD).

Igor Fisenko (2- 074 GМ)

Bagzhan Коnarbayeva (1-051GМ)



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