Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The week of state language in KSMU

The week of state language in KSMU

23 December 2014

From December 8 to 12, 2014, the wide-ranging week «Медицина білімі – мемлекеттік тіл аясында», held on the Eve of the Independence Day, was full of good events for the teachers, students and employees of the university.

On the first workday of the week the patriotic musicsounded at the entrance to the university and dombra met all the people coming in with muffled sound. An exhibition of books and literature in the state language was presented to the students.

The week was opened with the presentation of the logo to the university Rector Mrs. Raushan Dosmagambetova Sultanovna. The meeting with Alimgazy Rayymbekov, who starred in the movie "Angel in skull-cap" was organized in the hall of the Academic Council. Students, academic staff and employees asked a lot of questions and the event was interesting. The visits to the departments under the leadership of the Academic dean Wilen Borisovich were organized to assess the competition «Апталыққа ат салысып жатырсыз ба?» held between the departmnents. According to the decision of the expert committee, the department of "Pathological physiology" took the first place in the competition, the department of Clinical pharmacology and evidence based medicine took the second place and the department of Children diseases №2 took the third place.

A creative exhibition was held among the students and teachers and the best students were determined. The first place in the competition «Үздік шығармашылық жұмыс» was taken by a student of KSMU of "General Medicine and Dentistry" Olzhay Sagyndykov.

A flesh mob «Жасасын, қазақ тілі!» organized on Wednesday in the lobby of the main building presented the students a great mood and even more aroused our patriotic feelings.

A discussion among students and teachers «Медицина білімі – мемлекеттік тіл аясында» was held to make a decision. The most actual problems arising in the course of study were discussed and the round table was held at the highest level. The 1st-year student Meiramkul Ibadullaeva took the 1 place in the competition «Үздік эссе».

The next event - intellectual game «Елім менің» among the teachers and students was held on Thursday. There were questions from the history and the culture of our country in the game. The team of students won in this game.

The last concert «Қазақ тілі-тұғырым» was held on Friday. The event was opened by a poet N. Rymbay. He presented a poem. The video fragments of the week events were presented to the audience. Three pairs of aytysker were at the gala concert. According to the decision of the jury the first place was taken by the 2nd year student, Saparhanuly Abzal group 2047 and the 1st year student of the Faculty of Dentistry of 1001 group Aiym Өtebaeva, the second place was taken by the 3rd year student of GMF, Nazgul Smagul of the group 3033 and 1st year student of GMF of the group 1028 Abdirov Azamat, and the third place was taken by the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Nursing care of the group 3001 Kultaev Shamshyrak and the lecturer of the department of hygiene Jenisbek Zharylgasynovich.



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