Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Debate tournament.

Debate tournament.

26 December 2014

  On November 29, theDepartment of youth politics of Karaganda region organized a debate tournament among the students of universities of Karagandawithin the framework of the regional festival sanctified to International Day of students. The students of  KSU, КEU and Legal Academy were in the number of the participants. A primary objective of similar tournaments is intellectual development of young people.The official format of tournament was APF (American parliamentary format), as the most popular in Kazakhstan.

Official languages: Kazakh and Russian.

  The event formula is :

  1.  3 selection rounds.

  2.  Semifinals.

  3.  Finale.

  4.  Choice of the best speaker in a format "Lincoln - Douglas".

  Karaganda State Medical University was represented by four teams consisting of the participants of the university debate club "Namys" : Еsenbay Asem and Аskarov Adilet (faction "Alem"), Амаnbaev Оrazbek  and Маshrapov  Nurtay (faction "Namys"), Koyshyn  Мoldyr and Темirbek Symbat (faction "Аbzal zhandar"). The Russian-language league was represented by two Igors - Еrukov and Fisenko (faction "Double I").

  After hot discussions and long debates the jury announced the results of tournament :

The first place (Kazakh league) was taken by faction "Plan B" (КEU).

The first place (Russian league) was taken by faction of "Н2О" (КSU).

The second place (Kazakh league) was taken by faction "Аbzal zhandar" (КSMU).

The second place (Russian league) was taken by faction of "Double I" (КSMU).

The third place was taken by faction "Namys" ( КSMU).

  Маlikaydar Aizhan, Abdirash  Аkmaral, Мyrzageldy Zeynur and Ibraev Batyrzhan were declared the best  in nominations by the competent judge.

  АskarovAdiletand ЕsenbayAsem(faction «Alem»)were awarded for active participation.

  The best speaker is Erukov Igor (faction "Double I") were declared.

  The winners of debate tournament were awarded the diplomas from the hands of chairman of youth movement "Zhas Отаn" and all teams got certificates for active participation.

Myrzageldy Z.

IT- editor of debate club "Namys".



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