Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


23 April 2014
Congratulations to Tokasheva Dana,3rd-year student to Public Health on her success in the 79th All-Russian scientific-practical conference of Young Scientists and students with International participation "Youth Science and Modernity" and the 1st place. Preventive health, biology and pharmacy Dean’s Office.
22 April 2014
Congratulations to Arimbekova Asem,4th-year student to Public Health on her success in the 69th All-Russian scientific-practical conference of Young Scientists and students with International participation "Actual problems of modern medical science and health care" and the 3rd place. Preventive health, biology and pharmacy Dean’s Office.
22 April 2014
Congratulations to, Mustafaev Zaur, 4th-year student to Public Health on his success in the International Research and Application Conference of Young Scientists (Astana) and the 3st place. Preventivehealth, biologyandpharmacyDean’sOffice.
22 April 2014
Congratulations to, Kasymova Saule 5th-year student to Public Health on her success in the International Research and Application Conference of Young Scientists (Astana) and the 1st place. Preventive health, biology and pharmacy Dean’s Office.
Tactical and special trainings in KSMU
22 April 2014
According to the instructions of Ministry of Emergency Situation of The Republic of Kazakhstan and following the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of Civil Defense and Emergency Situation and according to the plan approved by Akym of Karaganda city dated 7th of October, 2013 the following events were carried out.
The meeting with the academician T. Sh. Sharmanov
18 April 2014
The meeting of students with the President of Kazakh academia of nutrition? the academician of Russian academia of medical sciences and National academia of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Toregeldy Sharmanovich Sharmanov.
Sciences feed young men
18 April 2014
The scientific-practical conference, which was announced 54 reports of young researchers, took part in Karaganda state medical university
Flashmob «80 anniversary of Karaganda»
16 April 2014
The 1 April! This day wait for any draw or prepare for a ridiculous situation, but our activists of CSSG and department of educational work and youth policy organized the dancing flashmob devoted to celebration of the 80 anniversary of the Karaganda city. This action was held within the walls of the KSMU main case, at the address: Gogol St., 40.
«Күлкі терапиясы» is vice-champion!!!
16 April 2014
In day of humor and laugh - 1 April, in Kazakh regional drama thatre n.a. Saken Seyfullin, the final game of «Жайдарман-2014» was held. Karaganda branch of «Union of CIF of Kazakhstan» was the organizer of competitions of funny and inventive.
Seven Steps to Health
15 April 2014
Marathon «7 Steps to Health» under the motto «Your Longevity - in your hands!» started since March 12, the eve of World Health Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Various activities undertaken under the auspices of this marathon are designed to teach Kazakhs take responsibility for their health. The 1step was carried out in the Schools of Family Planning, schools of preparation for childbirth and Schools for young mothers.
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