Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Holiday for centuries

Holiday for centuries

21 May 2015

The events of the Great Patriotic War go farther and farther away into the history, but the memory of the great feat of the Soviet people and its Armed Forces, heroic work of health workers at the war fronts and in the rear will always remain among the people.

This holiday came into our hearts as a symbol of heroism and immortal courage of the people defended peace on earth.

On May 6, at the base of Regional ambulance station of Karaganda city a concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory was held, where department of Ambulance and Emergency Medical Care #1 of KSMU participated.

Head of the department A.R.Alpyssova addressed to veterans and home front workers, guests, and to all in attendance with congratulatory speech.

Preparing an interesting and touching show about everyday heroism of soldiers and medical personnel on the battlefield, students of 5-060 and 5-059 groups of specialty "General Medicine" M.Daribayev, V.Sukhodubov, T.Kosybakov, D.Mineyeva, G.Bekzhanova, K.Domnicheva, D.Tokenova, A.Adilbekova,  A.Turlenova congratulated everyone present and expressed their appreciation.

A student of 5-060 OM V.Popova opened the show, dedicated to the Great Victory, with the words about the Great Patriotic War, which sank deep into the hearts to all in attendence.

D.Mineyeva, G.Bekzhanova and K.Domnicheva sang to a guitar a song on E.Assadov’s words “I can wait for you so much”, which sounded very lyrically and warmly.

Students of 5-016 and 5-018 groups U.Yendibayeva, S.Amirbekova, Zh.Moldashev, N.Kuanov, B.Usmanov, A.Ospan gave veterans a great energy boost, brightly and triumphantly presenting the song "Сарбаздар".

At the end of performances couples swirled in the beautiful waltz, marking the Victory Day of the distant 1945 year as a symbol of the memory, courage and heroism, faith and hope in a happy good future.

A. R. Alpyssova,

Head of the Ambulance and

Emergency Medical Care #1 department

V.N. Popova,

student of 5-060 GM



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