Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Forum of the Young Leaders

Forum of the Young Leaders

29 June 2015

Republican Forum of Young Leaders organized by the initiative of the Republican student movement "Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan" was held in Bayanaul from June 8 to 12. The forum brought together students, leaders of youth organizations, representatives of local and regional media and different kinds of guests from all regions of Kazakhstan. Karaganda State Medical University was presented by students of the Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy Department - Zhuldyz Kuanysh and chairman of CSSG KSMU Temirlan Samatov.

The special atmosphere of the event was given by the fact of participation of the most active youth of the country, which is diligently studying, working and helping in the implementation of various events in their regions with the sole purpose – to improve the quality of life in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main objectives of the forum were:gave such as: consolidation and activation of students and deconstruction reforms course carried out by President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev, the active involvement of student life and leadership training and more.

During the forum, all participants took an active part in discussions of different social, economic and domestic issues relating to students. Organizers of the forum prepared various trainings, seminars and workshops, where the speakers were young entrepreneurs, leaders of youth organizations, who gave master classes and shared their experiences on topics such as "oratory", "youth policy", "team building", "leadership" and "time management". There was also a tour by the National Park of Bayanaul. The natural beauty and unique of the flora and fauna of the region made a good impression on each of the delegates.

At the end of the Young Leaders Forum all participants received certificates and exchanged with each other mementos, souvenirs of their regions.


Chairman of CSSG KSMU



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