Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
We examined the hospital, discussed the work plan.

We examined the hospital, discussed the work plan.

17 April 2020

The second day of the delegation of Chinese doctors in the Karaganda region began with an examination of the infectious diseases hospital, in which one of the buildings of the hospital complex of the clinic named after prof. Makazhanova located at the street S.Seifullin. Colleagues from China approved the implemented project and gave practical advice on the functioning of the future Multidisciplinary Infectious Diseases Hospital. 

Work continued in a video conference format with the participation of a delegation of doctors from China. The moderation and face-to-face presence of Chinese doctors with the observance of protective measures and social distance was carried out from the conference hall of the Medical University of Karaganda. Conference moderator, vice-rector for clinical work of  "MUK" NCJSC, Professor B.N. Kosherova opened the conference, informed about the topic of online meetings with doctors throughout the day, briefly informed about the visit of the Chinese delegation to the new Multidisciplinary Infectious Disease Hospital and gave the floor to welcome the Vice Minister of Health L.K. Aktayeva. 

In her speech, the Vice Minister summarized the work of the Chinese colleagues in Nur Sultan in 5 days. She appreciated the collaboration with them as highly effective. These were very busy days, ” Aktaeva said. Visits to medical organizations, meetings and training seminars on-line covered more than 10 thousand doctors, nurses, and healthcare organizers all over Kazakhstan. As a result of discussion of the current situation and recommendations of Chinese specialists, the 6th edition of the National Protocol for the Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19 was adopted and approved, a number of refinements and additions were made to the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan on measures to counter the spread of coronavirus infection. Based on the recommendations of the delegation of Chinese doctors, the measures and preventive measures for zoning hospitals where patients with COVID-19 and medical hospitals are being treated have been strengthened, new multidisciplinary hospitals that have been given the function of pharmacists have been identified, and the requirements for personal protective equipment for doctors and medical staff have been strengthened not only infectious, but also in provisional hospitals. 

At present, - L.M. Aktayeva emphasized, - the incidence rate in the country according to COVID-19 is approaching its peak and it is 7 detected persons per 100 thousand of the population. In this regard, each patient seeking medical care should be considered as a potential carrier of coronavirus infection. That is why the anti-epidemic regime should be strengthened.
L.M. Aktaeva wished the conference fruitful work and subsequently actively participated in it personally.
Moderator B.N. Kosherova informed that more than 200 primary care physicians are participating in the online conference.



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