Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
To increase the quality of medical education

To increase the quality of medical education

06 October 2020

In 2019-year, ALE “association of medical education and science “Kazakhstan medical board” (further –Association) was created to assistance and strengthening the principles of academic mobility, enhancement of human resources and qualitative education in the medicine area.

As the Association is non-commercial organization which has direct interest in health care branch development, during the reporting period, it created not only administrative work but also took part in a great many meaningful activities in the sphere of health care including project on CSHI entering. 

As part of the implementation of the main activity - improving the quality of medical education, the Association, together with the DSHR of RK MH studied the issue of improving interaction with the human resources observatory of the RCHD on planning and forecasting workforce in healthcare and further improving continuous professional development (CPD), taking into account the priorities of the industry and allocated funds. Participated in the creation of a working group on the basis of "KazNMU" NJSC to develop proposals and training programs for specialists in the most demanded areas of modern epidemiology, hygiene, sanitary well-being and health literacy, and within the framework of the new Health Code, participated in the preparation of recommendations for improving regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of healthcare entities.

The Association has organized and carried out different kind of activities directed to the support and development professionalism of health care workers:

- Controversial areas («creation and discussion of matters related to de-criminalization of medical incident», «Certificate of health care manager – formality and quality providing», «updating of health care system through health care management adjustment »)

- Publications on actual questions on medical education and biomedicine.

Among the events within the framework of outreach activities carried out by the Association for the medical community, a prominent role is played by thematic webinars and broadcasts on topical issues of COVID-19 with the participation of strategic partners of medical universities.

The Association participated in the events promoted to quality increasing of health care workers training:

- to ensure the current content of educational programs, the Association is working on organizing the examination of educational programs and maintaining a single catalog of educational programs in medical and pharmaceutical specialties;

- development and expertize of PP and PC programs had been made within the limits of republican budget program 005; creation and debates on matters at the meeting of AMA RAMB in the sphere of «Health care»

The Association organized and conducted a master class on the development of compulsory health insurance for specialists of medical organizations. Further, in the framework of cooperation with the National Center for Independent Examination, after training, all students were tested and were awarded certificates.

The Association took part in implementation of state policy in the sphere of medical education:

- creation and debates on matters at the meeting of AMA RAMB in the sphere of «Health care»;

- submission of joint applications for state funding of research programs / works;

- participation in planning the construction of university hospitals;

- to ensure the readiness of the regions to introduce compulsory social health insurance, the founders and the executive body represented by Akhmetov; participated in the work of the central headquarters for the implementation of compulsory health insurance in the regions of the country.

During the year, memorandums of cooperation were concluded with the following organizations:

- Republican center of health care development;

- Republican Center for Electronic Health;

- National Center for Independent Examination;

- ТОО «Учебно-клинический центр «Астана».

To promote the activities of the Association, the Association's website was developed - www.kazmc.kz and work is underway to promote the Telegram channel - Medicina nobilissima, as well as pages and channels on Facebook, Youtube, instagram (Medicina_nobilissima)

The Association made several appeals to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev, as well as to the akims of Nur-Sultan and Almaty.

Заключены соглашения о стратегическом партнёрстве с компаниями, обеспечивающими интернет сопровождение и продвижение социальных сетевой деятельности Ассоциации

At the end of August, according to the Charter of the Association, the term of office of the Chairman of the Council of the Association in the person of the rector of "Astana Medical University" NJSC Dainius Pavalkis expired, thus at the last general meeting a new chairman of the Council of the Association was elected - the rector of KazNMU named after Asfendiyarov Talgat Seytshanovich Nurgozhin and Dosmagambetova Raushan Sultanovna -  rector of the "Medical University of Karaganda" NJSC was elected as vice-president.

In turn, Professor Dainius Pavalkis wished fruitful work and implementation of plans to the Kazakhstan’s medical community.



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