Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Online meeting of the local history club

Online meeting of the local history club

30 October 2020

17.10. 2020, the first meeting of the local history club of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and SPD took place in the current academic year.

The topic for discussion was chosen by students and internship doctors as the most important one - the   effort against coronavirus in Kazakhstan.

As usually the organizer of the conference was A. Abenova, the leader of the local history club of our department.

 The most important thing for us is that young doctors from Nur-Sultan (our graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine) Sabit Tashenov and Asiya Kadralinova shared about their difficult and noble work to save patients from this serious illness.

 Last summer, our members of the local history club Sabit and Asiya, had to work in the hospital during quarantine, were on duty near seriously ill patients, convinced patients to follow all the recommendations of doctors and prescribed treatment in accordance with the current protocols.

Students of 2nd -6th year including and interns, as well as our acting head of department S.A. Nikiforov were asked a lot of question. Sometimes questions even were  frank.

Our doctors answered very frankly. They in particular noted that this struggle for the recovery of patients changed them themselves, taught them patience, helped to feel self-confidence, to feel needed by people and society and this is worth a lot!

Everyone who could attend the meeting thanked our graduates for an interesting and informative story about their work.

  A.B.Dolgopolov the head of the local history club



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