Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Meeting of clinical psychologists and psychotherapists

Meeting of clinical psychologists and psychotherapists

23 June 2021

On 18.06.2021 in the NJC MUK was held an online scientific and practical conference with international participation "Clinical Psychology, borderline psychiatry and psychosocial rehabilitation: the path to Healthcare" on the webex platform. This conference was held in memoriam by the former head of the Department of Psychiatry of the KSMU, Associate Professor, outstanding psychotherapist Gurova Lyudmila Stepanovna.

The plenary session was devoted to the professional path of L. S. Gurova, her contribution to psychiatric science and practice, to the development of borderline psychiatry, clinical psychology and psychotherapy.

At the plenary session, the rector of the International Institute of Social Psychotherapy, Vice-President of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapy League, Professor Katkov Alexander Lazarevich made a program report, presenting the global problem of destructive social epidemics, as well as topical issues of the formation of social psychotherapy and the position of professionals in the field of mental health.

In the sections of clinical psychology, borderline disorders and self-destructive behavior, reports of practicing psychologists and psychotherapists from different cities of Kazakhstan and Russia were presented. The speeches were hotly discussed by colleagues, statements were made about the great importance of all the topics discussed at the conference for expanding the range of skills and professional growth of specialists.

   The course of Psychiatry of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Rehabilitation of the Medical University of Karaganda, realizing the relevance of the conference topics, plans to make it annual with the subsequent publication of the conference materials in electronic format.

Acc. Professor of

the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery,

Psychiatry and Rehabilitation of NJC MUK

Matsievskaya L. L.



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