Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Discussed modern trends in the transformation of education

Discussed modern trends in the transformation of education

20 October 2023

On October 6-7, 2023, "VII Central Asian International Forum on Education Quality Assurance: "Sustainable Future of Education – Quality and Competitiveness: Realities and Priorities" was hosted in Astana, organized by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating.

The Forum brought together more than 300 people, including representatives of government agencies, international networks of quality assurance of higher education, heads of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

The main purpose of the annual Forum is to create an international dialog platform for discussion and exchange of best practices in education in the context of digital transformation and global changes.

Within the Forum, at the Panel Sessions key issues of development of the system of quality assurance of higher education and independent accreditation in the context of global changes were discussed; enhanced cooperation with international networks, agencies, universities that promote the culture of quality and formation of professional community; improvement of the quality of education, educational programs and trajectories of training of students by global standards and constructive interaction between the academic community and the international labor market. 

Stefan Lovik, President of the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR), made a report on modern trends of education transformation and challenges. Rector of Karaganda Medical University Professor A.A. Turmukhambetova made a report: "Transformation of Medical Education: Experience of Karaganda Medical University".

The reports of the speakers are available on the official page of the IAAR:https://iaar.agency/forum-page/vii-centralno-aziatskij-mezhdunarodnyj-forum-po-obespecheniyu-kachestva-obrazovaniya

 Bauyrzhan Omarkulov,Director of the Institute of Public Health and Professional Health of NCJSC “KMU” 



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