Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Poststrokecognitiveimpairment: current issues of early diagnosis, therapy and prevention

Poststrokecognitiveimpairment: current issues of early diagnosis, therapy and prevention

16 June 2014

  As part of the commercialization of own scientific development (innovation patent № 000231 of 07. 2013. Authors: T.T.Kispaeva, M.G. Abdrakhmanova, R.A. Belyaev, N.A. Evstafieva) from May 26 to May 30 on the basis of Karaganda State Medical University the master class on "Innovative methods of treating cognitive disorders in the acute period of cerebral stroke" was held

  The Master class was conducted by the author of patent of associate professor of neurology, M.D. T.T. Kispaeva, associate professor of neurology PhD R.A. Belyaev. As part of the master class the acute period of cerebral stroke: modern pathobiochemistry aspects, epidemiological background study of cerebral stroke (reporter - Associate Professor, PhD R.A. Belyaev)and questions, reflective material, which was obtained by innovative patent: cognitive impairment in acute cerebral stroke, their early diagnosis and modern preventive and therapeutic correction (reporter- Associate Professor, m.d. T.T. Kispaeva) were presented as the basic issues.
  Not only lecture material and practical training in the form of slides, but also training of  early delitescent diagnose and clinically significant cognitive impairment in acute cerebral stroke was held.

  The Master class participants acquired skills to use modern scales and tests for the study of cognitive impairment in acute cerebral stroke, mastered the techniques for screening diagnosis of cognitive impairment, allowing the first day of cerebral stroke to predict the outcome of cognitive impairment by the end of the acute period of the disease, allowing distinguish among patients with acute cerebral stroke in the first day of the disease group with progressive cognitive impairment (a group at high risk of post-stroke dementia), the group with functional disorders (group of minimal risk). Acquired skills and knowledge will ensure from the first day of cerebral stroke preventive and therapeutic measures to prevent the formation and development of post-stroke vascular dementia.

  During the event not only foreign neurorehabilitation centers for the management of patients with acute cerebral stroke, but also domestic centers (Regional Medical Center of Karaganda, neurorehabilitation center of Kyzylorda region) were presented. Associate Professor, PhD R.A. Belyaev introduced and acquainted listeners with existing rehabilitation techniques, including Cognitive functions. Assistant M.V. Ivanchina provided information on neurorehabilitaton center of Kyzylorda where training was passed (March-May 2014) Within the academic mobility program.

  Attending the master class participants (representatives of practical health and therapeutic staff departments of KSMU) acquainted with the methods and techniques of cognitive recovery functions under ontogentic, phylogenetic hierarchy of recovery in acute cerebral stroke. (6 photos)
  Participants of the workshop were 45 people, including doctors attended practical health care: doctors, neurologists of Karaganda (RMC, NC of H OD, RC of TO, RCH, ChCH, RND, Hospitals “Hippocrates»,  of DIA, of DCND, polyclinics № № 1,3,4,5) and other cities (Shahan, Sarancity, Temirtau, Abay, Kokchetav, Karkaralinsk); therapeutic profile professionals (therapists, physical therapists, psychiatrists, etc.) and employees of KSMU (Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, FCPD, Department of Physiology, Department of Neurology, Department of Internal Disease №1,2). Organization of the event caused a warm response from the audience:

  Chief neurologist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of the highest category M.D. Mazurchak: "The master classes" Innovative methods of treatment of cognitive impairment "was presented at a fairly high level of organization, informative presentation materials saturated with lectures and workshops, an innovative approach to the stimulus material for patient's presenting with acute cerebral stroke was also marked. We have adopted a range of methods and techniques that are in the screening mode allow to predict the outcome of cognitive impairment from the first day of the disease and the patients divided into groups as high risk and minimal risk of post-stroke dementia";
  Head of the department of neurology rehabilitation RMC of Karaganda, doctor of the highest categoryZh.K. Kalkabaev: "Such events need not only to neurologists, neurosurgeons, but also for joint related professionals (physicians, therapists, psychiatrists, etc.), supervising the patient with cerebral stroke at all stages of rehabilitation in both the theoretical and practical aspects. We would like to educate further our employees and other rehabilitation department of RMC".
  Head of the Department of Neurology Hospital LLP MF "Hippocrates", the doctor of the first category N.L. Korolkova: "The master classes remembered with very rich information on the prevention and treatment of cognitive impairment in patients with cerebral stroke, beginning with the first day of the disease. Very interesting and effective distributing the stimulus material, on which the training procedure as diagnosis and correction of cognitive disorders in the acute period of cerebral stroke. I would like to increase the number of workshops on such topics";
  Neurologist of emergency hospital, T.A. Vаlyaninova: "Good organization, productive information, such workshops are very much needed to practical neurologists".
  Head of day hospital of polyclinic №1 of Karaganda, the doctor of the first category Sh. Umirbaeva: "I liked the master class, I think it's a good help in addressing the prevention of post-stroke dementia, which is often stated among patients undergoing cerebral stroke"
  In addition to classroom hours, in accordance with the work program of the master class, as part of an independent workof listener, the participants independently prepared additional information in the form of presentations and abstracts of the most interesting of the dismantled at the master class'topics. Upon completion of the event, attended participants received the certificates.



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