Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The young people’s take on alcohol

The young people’s take on alcohol

02 February 2015

The round table named "The young people’s take on alcohol" was held in honor of  The world Day of alcohol refusal in the University. The organizers of this event are the Medical association of youth of Kazakhstan and the Department of educational and social work with  students.

  Objective of the round table:

-  to become familiar with the strategy of the President: "The Path of the Kazakhstan - 2050: One goal, one interest, one future";

-  to implement the State program of development of health  care of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Salamatty Kazakhstan" for 2011 - 2015 years;

-  read the order №45 dated January 27, 2014 the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About events in 2014 for disease prevention and forming a healthy lifestyle".

  The lecturer of Psychology, psychiatry and narcology  department - Zhanbyrbaeva Sayan Tokenovna, lecturer of the department of History of Kazakhstan and socio-political Sciences Temirkulov Olzhas Zhangabylovich and members of the discussion club "Namys" participated in the event. Welcome speech was said by the lecturer of Psychology, psychiatry and narcology department - Zhanbyrbaeva Sayan Tokenovna. She is a narcologist and she informs the students about degrees of alcoholism development. The lecturer of the department of History of Kazakhstan and socio-political Sciences Temirkulov Olzhas Zhangabylovich paid attention of students to adverse side effects of alcohol to society. Member of discussion club Malikaidar Ayzhan told about importance of liking for alcoholism and  wasting leisure time of youth in this discussion. Video clip was shot in the form of questionnaire in the shopping center "Tair" for this event. 9 persons among more than 20 persons drink alcohol according to the result of  questionnaire. Vice-president of external deals of local committee of KSMU "Association of medical youth of Kazakhstan" Shagdarov Bagdat told about the history of alcohol, by the way Seidaly Erzat shared information about good and adverse side effects of alcohol drinks. In conclusion of this event  leader of discussion club "Namys" - Izetov Nurlybek suggested several ways of struggle with alcoholism among young people.

  We want to thank the administration of the university for the opportunity to hold this event and thank the lecturers - Zhanbyrbaeva Sayan Tokenovna,  Temirkulov Olzhas Zhangabylovich.

Ibraev Batyrzhan

President of Local committee KSMU

KazMSA (Kazakhstan Medical Students Association)



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