Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Mastered the rehabilitation program of German colleagues
17 January 2023
From 28.11.2022 to 8.12. 2022 within the framework of the memorandum between the Karaganda Medical University and the Clinic Schmieder (Stiftung & Co.) KG (Germany), the staff of the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Rehabilitology of NCJSC "KMU" Professor Sheveleva N. and assistant professor Dubovikhin A. visited Kliniken Schmieder for the purpose of practical and theoretical exchange of knowledge.
The best teachers of an independent country-2022
12 January 2023
Before of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan teachers of the School of Nursing Education of «Karaganda Medical University» NCJSC Zhumakaeva Kulban and Rezina Damelya won prizes and diplomas for winning prizes in the Republican competition «The best teachers of independent country - 2022» the organizers were « Society of Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
III International Olympiad of Medical Students «Samarkand-2020»
11 January 2023
The main purpose of the organization and holding of the International Olympiad: to present knowledge in the field of various areas of medicine, as well as to stimulate students' interest in educational activities and to show practical and clinical skills, to create opportunities for students to apply their acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities.
Diplom of the 1st degree for participation in the republican competition
11 January 2023
Our «Karaganda Medical University» NCJSC graduates considerable amount of alumni. We are very proud of our graduates in which our university put so much effort. Today I would like to tell about our graduate of the educational program «Public Healthcare» Yungenshteyn Yuliya who graduated from our university in 2021. During the years of studying at the University, Yuliya proved herself as a disciplined, responsible, versatile, communicative, conscientious and a highly advantaged student.
Holder of a state scientific scholarship
10 January 2023
State scientific scholarships for talented young scientists of Kazakhstan in 2022 were awarded by the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the RK.
Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidentiary Medicine, Candidate of Medical Science, associate professor Kalieva Sholpan awarded with the medal «Altyn dariger»
10 January 2023
With the medal «Altyn dariger» is awarded to health-care workers, who have demonstrated exceptional professionalism and courage for honest and impeccable work. This medal is an award, awarded to a specialist for his great contribution to domestic healthcare, improving public health and active public activities.
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education summed up the results of the contest «The best scientist» 2022
10 January 2023
50 winners were selected as a result of the competition – researchers from scientific research institutes and universities of Kazakhstan, contributed to the development of domestic science. In addition, among them, Associated Professor of Public Health School NCJSC «MUK» Omarova Alua. She won the award of the best scientist of the RK!
Training workshop on "writing scientific reviews"
10 January 2023
On December 28, 2022 on the basis of the Regional Allergy Center "Divera" of the Department of Internal Medicine held a meeting of the scientific circle. Allergology-immunology residents of the 1st and 2nd years of training, faculty members of the Department of Internal Medicine were present as listeners.
Holder of a state scientific scholarship
09 January 2023
State scientific scholarships for talented young scientists of Kazakhstan in 2022 were awarded by the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the RK.
Do good
09 January 2023
Today, the teachers of the Department of Internal Medicine and students of the 3rd-4th year of the International Medical Faculty visited the home for the elderly and disabled people "Mercy". 34 residents of the center were congratulated on the New Year and Christmas. We gave everyone useful gifts.
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