Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Told about the political leaders of our time
08 June 2023
At the end of the SPD module on the discipline "Political Science" and the implementation of the activities of the concept "Zhana Kazakhstan" on June 1, 2023, a scientific and practical conference was held with students of the foreign department of the Medical University of Karaganda.
Workshops on Atlas.ti
31 May 2023
In May, the teacher of the School of Nursing Education Saduyeva Feruza Haydaralievna held a workshop with the staff of the Karaganda Medical University. The workshop aimed to introduce the use of Atlas.ti qualitative research data analysis software.
Accreditation of educational programs
30 May 2023
In the period from May 24 to May 26, 2023, a specialized accreditation was held at the Karaganda Medical University by the independent accreditation agency "Eurasian Center for Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Education and Healthcare" (EAC).
Pre-selection for the doctoral program "Medical University of Karaganda"
30 May 2023
In May 2023, the preliminary selection for doctoral studies in the educational programs "Medicine", "Public Health", "Nursing Science" was held at the Medical University of Karaganda.
Our achievements
29 May 2023
According to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. ref: 14-2 / ​​39-BH dated: 01/17/2022, in order to support science and education, identify the best innovative ideas, a competition was organized among scientific and pedagogical workers of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States "BEST TEACHER - 2023" in the form of the association "National movement "Bobek".
Cohesion in the Game
29 May 2023
The Center of physical health held an international tug-of-war meeting on May 17, 2023, as part of the program " Jana Qazaqstan". Students of the International Medical Faculty and the School of Dentistry of the 2nd year fought for the championship. As always, friendship won!
Volleyball as a means of forming a healthy lifestyle
29 May 2023
The NCJSC “KMU” has been running a "Health" volleyball group among the university's employees for many years. Classes in it contribute to health promotion. In this group are engaged mostly men who participate in competitions among universities of the city and in fields days of the University.
Lectures about the pathology of newborns
25 May 2023
In the period from 10.05.2023 to 23.05.2023, within the framework of the visiting professors program, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Dilmuradova Klara Ravshanovna, head of the neonatology course of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education of the Samarkand State Medical University, gave lectures online to residents of the specialty 7R01114 Neonatology on topical issues of neonatal pathology.
Champion at a distance of 5000 meters
23 May 2023
On the 18th-19th of May 2023 in "Miners", central stadium of Karaganda there was held the region championship on track and field athletics. Pavel Ovtsynov, student of group 5043 General Medicine took the 1st place on a distance of 5000 meters.
Traditional essay competition
22 May 2023
Department of History of Kazakhstan together with the Youth Department organized and held anEessay competition “My attitude to religion” as part of the implementation of the Educational Activities Plan of “Karaganda Medical University” for the 2022-2023 academic year .
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